Responsible Care

NOVA Chemicals is a founding member and leader of Responsible Care ®, a voluntary, industry-led initiative that sets new standards in health, safety and environmental performance.

Our commitment to Responsible Care® will encourage you to go above and beyond industry standards every day.


With a focus on safety, social responsibility, and environmental stewardship, we strive to constantly improve and shape the future of our industry. We take care with respect to our operations, communities, products and the environment. You can see these principles in action every day, whether we’re offering products that increase energy efficiency, or supporting organizations that enhance quality of life. Another critical part of our commitment is striving for continuous improvement in these three critical areas:


In our environment, we take care to conserve, protect and enhance natural resources. Through innovation, operational excellence and environmental stewardship, we seek to protect life and to continuously improve our environmental performance.

We have established companywide policy, standards, programs and procedures to ensure that we continuously improve our environmental performance and protect the well-being of our communities.



NOVA Chemicals values the safety and well-being of our communities and the environment. We take care to be a good neighbor in the areas where we live and work by promoting conversation, understanding and involvement. We contribute positively to community development, public policy and reporting. 

To learn more, check out our Communities page. 


Our work at NOVA Chemicals results in plastic products that take care of food, water and other goods vital to life. Beyond the resins we produce, NOVA Chemicals contributes to the economic vitality of our communities by creating jobs, purchasing local goods and services, and paying taxes.